Chris Whiting MP has urged local residents to be aware of ‘claim farmers’ and that claim farming is now
illegal in Queensland.
“Claim farmers are scammers that target people who have suffered personal injury or abuse,” said Chris
Whiting MP.
They use many different tactics, through phone, social media, email or even in person.
Claim farmers may also imply they act on behalf of government agencies or insurers.
They induce or harass individuals to make a claim with a promise of quick, easy and significant
compensation, or even offering to help with medical treatment or other services.
These scammers do not work in the best interests of those they approach.
They try to profit off the claimant’s misfortune by on-selling claims and individual information to a lawyer
or claim management company.
If you have got one of these calls, bear in mind claim farming is now a crime in Queensland, and you
should report any suspected claim farming to the appropriate regulator.
These regulators are the Office of Industrial Relations for workers’ compensation claims, the Motor
Accident Insurance Commission for motor accident insurance claims and the Legal Service Commission
for all other personal injury claims,” said Chris Whiting MP.